Fun side of spirituality

One of the common misunderstandings in the spiritual community is that spiritual people have to be serious. We have an image in our minds that a spiritual person is a bearded wise looking old man that has gone through lot in life.

We think that to be a true spiritual person we have to be vegetarian, we have to dress in a certain way, we have to talk in a certain way…

I’m going to tell you something. I consider myself to be a spiritual person. I’m now 19 years old and I have been interested in spirituality since I can remember. I always wanted to know the answers to the deep lives questions like “What is the meaning of life and existence itself? Is there a God? Are we alone in the universe?”… I have studied many philosophies and religions, but I have found the answers in the new age movement. I love the new age movement because it connects the ideas from many ancient practices, religions, science and new theories. Together it makes a wonderful mixture.

If I have learned something throughout the years of following many spiritual teachers, I’ve learned that the most important thing is to follow your excitement. If you are living your highest joy or excitement, you are being your natural self.  In that state you can effortlessly attract the things you need. So to put this spiritual truth even in even more simple words – the purpose of life is to have fun!

So who said that spiritual people have to be serious? I think its the contrary! In fact, the most spiritual people I know are also the funniest people I know. With great spiritual wisdom comes childlike innocence and playfulness. Wise people don’t take life too seriously. They don’t forget to have fun.

Spirituality is best practiced with humility and playfulness, like kids in a sandbox exploring the boundaries of imagination and possibility. Fun is a pathway to enlightenment, by lightening your anxiety, loosening your attachments and letting go of the need to be right.

I think that the main reason why not so many young people in my age are attracted to spirituality is that it seems boring to them. Young people just want to have fun. And since the stereotype is that spirituality is serous and deep, it doesn’t seem to be attractive to them. I agree that religious people tent to be serious, but in this article I’m talking about the new age type of spirituality.

I am young, I am interested in spirituality and I also enjoy having fun. I don’t think these two things contradict each other. I like parties, I like listening and dancing to modern music, I like doing random weird stuff and be crazy. And I don’t think it makes me a less spiritual person. When I enjoy it, it cant be wrong.

So I encourage you to have fun! Do whatever feels good to you at any given moment and stop caring what other people may say about you. This is your life, so make it amazing!

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